
Coaching – Pivot Tables (April)


You may have heard about the feature in AQUA 7 called Advanced Data Export.  You may have even exported the data, but now what?   In these four sessions, we will discuss, demonstrate, and help you set up your data to get the most out of your QA/QI efforts.

The four sessions are:

Session 1 – In this session, we will be demonstrating and discussing, exporting the data, and setting up the worksheets within the workbook.

Session 2 – In this session, we will be demonstrating and discussing, using formulas to format data automatically within your “RawData” worksheet, and connecting cells to other worksheets and tables.

Session 3 – In this session, we will be demonstrating and discussing, creating pivot tables, creating slicers, and filtering of data.

Session 4 – In this session, we will be demonstrating and discussing, creating charts, trending data, and creating reports.

Pesky Pivot Tables Course Dates:

April 3rd, 5 PM Mountain
April 10th, 5 PM Mountain
April 17th, 5 PM Mountain
April 24th, 5 PM Mountain

Availability: 7 in stock
